Today’s bigger homes and open layouts are ideal for wall tapestries. When the hallmark of mansions and castles, wall tapestries offer today’s homeowner an awesome design solution that contributes beauty, warmth and charm towards the home.
Choosing the perfect wall tapestry for your house is a straightforward and enjoyable process, should you follow these simple guidelines.
Unlike a painting, a wall tapestry demands attention. Would you like to pick a location before you begin looking for a size, subject or style. You need to pick a wall that does not get lots of direct light or constant sunlight. Direct sun may cause the threads to weaken and fade the colour of wall hangings with time.
After you have an area in your mind, you could decide among the rough dimensions for that wall tapestry. A tall and thin surfaces will appear better having a vertical work while a sizable surfaces may look better having a horizontal piece. Scale is essential in wall or interior decor. An over-all guideline is the fact that a tapestry can occupy as much as 80% from the wall (you cannot do this having a painting!). You won’t want to obtain a wall tapestry that’s not big enough or too big for that wall you are interested in.
Subject Material
The topic of the paintings tapestry is dependent on personal taste. You will find a never-ending choice of styles – scenic, still existence, heroic deeds, mythology, Medieval, portraits, castles, landmarks and an array of more sophisticated designs and styles. When choosing the topic, ensure you element in the palette of colours used. You won’t want to pick a design in which the colors clash together with your existing furnishings and wall colorings.